Printed Embroidery

art, corvallis, embroidery, Prints

A few days ago I made a post about my collection of vintage printing blocks, with a teaser about a new project I used them for.

typecut embroidery.06It’s probably pretty self-explanatory–I used them as embroidery patterns. By taking them through my Challenge proof press with carbon paper, I printed them on unbleached linen, then embroidered the images.

typecut embroidery.04

Printmaking and embroidery are two mediums I don’t often get to combine. Somehow using antique printing blocks as a base for a similarly antiquated medium like embroidery seems kind of right.

typecut embroidery.02These are each in either 3″ or 5″ hoops.

typecut embroidery.03And right now, they’re all available for sale at the Corvallis Art Center’s Art Shop!

typecut embroidery.07Bonus Oregonian tree embroidery:
typecut embroidery.05